Hey there, my name's Anatole (pronounced a.na.tɔl
, no i
at the end) and I'm a French guy in his twenties. Curious by nature and in love with strategic puzzles (may it be games, work related issues or real-life situations), I started programing in 2016, and have not stopped since, eventually becoming a full-time job.
Having learned a lot these past few years, I realize I am still in need of something else, which is the reason for this blog. A place where I aim to share what I know, what I learn, what I love; we'll see where it gets me!
const axios = require('axios');
async function displayBlog() {
let blogHtml;
try {
({ data: blogHtml } = await axios.get('https://ajuge.fr'));
} catch(e) {
blogHtml = '<div>Error occured</div>';
document.querySelector('html').innerHTML = blogHtml;